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A simple and cost-effective multi-user solution for teachers

Teachers working with ICT in education understand that, with its increasing integration across the worldwide curriculum, a highly reliable, user friendly and familiar environment is a prerequisite to good teaching.

Now, with the integration of AB Tutor Control and Windows® MultiPoint™ Server 2011, intuitive and reliable multi-user environments are within the reach of schools with more limited ICT resources and technical support.

Designed specifically for teachers, AB Tutor Control has been optimised to run on the transparent interface of Windows® MultiPoint™ Server 2011 where previously the provision and maintenance of such a multi-user environment had proven difficult without highly trained network engineers, technical staff and expensive enterprise-level hardware and software. Reducing the amount of hardware means a teacher is able to work with all their students without having to install and manage a large number of PCs on a network. They can watch students, share resources, take over their computers, demonstrate to them, log their computer activity and limit the applications and website access, all on a one-to-one or group basis.

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